Zeit ist (k)eine Torte
Völk, JulieWelsh, Renate

Zeit ist (k)eine Torte



ISBN 9783851979008

„Es tut mir leid, ich habe wirklich keine Zeit!“ Weg sind sie, Ellis Eltern. Und der geplante Skiurlaub ebenso. Nun soll Elli auch noch bei der schrulligen Nachbarin, Frau Neudeck, bleiben. Doch Elli mag alte Geschichten und Schräges aller Art.

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Artikelnummer: 9783851979008 Kategorien: , , Schlagwörter: , , ,

E-Book ab 8 Jahren


„Es tut mir leid, ich habe wirklich keine Zeit!“ – weg sind sie, Ellis Eltern. Und der geplante Skiurlaub ebenso. Nun soll Elli auch noch bei der schrulligen Nachbarin, Frau Neudeck, bleiben. Doch Elli mag alte Geschichten und Schräges aller Art. So wird die Woche ein Abenteuer zwischen Autodrom und Zauberflöte – und es bleibt noch Zeit, Ellis Eltern etwas Ruhe beizubringen. Kinder müssen eben Geduld mit Erwachsenen haben.


Holidays at last! Elli has been looking forward to the planned skiing holiday with her parents  for so long. All her friends at school are going  away on vacation, in other words nobody at home to play with. But, as Elli might have expected, her parents cancel the whole journey just before departure. Typical! Mum has to attend a congress urgently and unexpectedly, and dad always has a lot to do at the company anyway. His mobile rings everywhere all the time. And as if that wasn’t enough, the three of them are also let down by the babysitter. What should Elli do now, if nobody has time for her? A plan is required! The old and somewhat quirky neighbour, Mrs. Neudeck, steps in. She can tell wonderfully bizarre stories about the past and Elli likes anything that is bizarre. Together with Mrs. Neudeck, the cat Basti and Mrs. Neudeck’s friend Mr. Pospischil, Elli experiences all kinds of exciting adventures and totally forgets to be sad about the cancelled skiing trip. Elli has three new friends now, to who she can always go if she ever feels lonely, or her parents are too busy again. There is still time to teach Elli’s parents to slow down. It seems that sometimes children just have to be patient with adults.

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